Thank you for your investment in me. For your continued support and encouragement and for your incredible ability to help me find my way through things, to help me gain perspective and to propel me into being the person that I always have been.
You have an extraordinary strength and energy and you are an uplifting person to be around.
I feel better about the person that I am because of what I have learnt being with you.
Thank you for all your fantastic support and encouragement. I know I am in such a different place to when we first met.
The counselling has been a great help and I feel I’ve been set on the right path now to travel onwards in a new journey. Thank you.
Just a quick note to thank you for all your hard work in helping me with my problems.
As a man with an eating disorder I was only too aware of how this is seen by most people as a female problem, usually for teenage girls.
With your patience, expertise and understanding you were able to help me turn my life around.
I am now a completely different, and I believe, better person than I used to be.
My health has improved immeasurably and I now feel able to handle life in a way that I would not have thought possible, and my self confidence has helped me become the person those close to me always thought I should be.
If you are helping other people as much as you have helped me, I can only hope that others lives have been changed in the same way that mine has.
Thank you so much for all your input through the past months. You have helped me enormously and made it possible for me to find a way out of all the unhappiness and become truly me! I can't thank you enough for everything you have done.
Thank you is a small word and does not come close to expressing how grateful I am. Your continuous support has helped me to at last start to reclaim my life. Your consistency, kindness and non-judgmental help has guided me gently along the way. People like you help to make this world a kinder place.